Friday, December 10, 2010


A train of light rarely appears in the sky. It is called "Dhuma-ketu" by ancient Indians. Today we call it, Comet. The word "Comet" in Latin means the one that has long hairs. The Western world never had knowledge about these comets till Edmond Halley in the year 1759 pioneered the study about the comets. He propounded that once in 95 years, these comets visit us, One of the comets had been named after Halley.

The ancient Indian Astronomical texts dealt with the knowledge of comets very extensively. They are
1) Bṛihat Vimana śăstra written by Bharadwaja

2) Agastya's śakti tantra
3) Jaimini's Keta sarvasva

In "Vimana Sastra" in the chapter "Kriya Sara Tantra" we find mention of Dhuma-ketus. It had been mentioned in that text, that there are 3,07,30,221 Comets in space. Among them around eight thousand of them are powered with electrical currents. Twelve of them are very fierce, powerful and dangerous.

In Agastya's śakti tantra, the names of the Twelve Comets are given. It had been mentioned that during rainy season the potency of comets would be very high.

Vimana Sastra says that the Comets are formed because of Sun burning certain objects in it's vicinity; please do not forget the word "Dhuma" in Sanskrit means smoke and gases. The modern knowledge about the comets also concurs with that. Modern science explains that because of the proximity of certain celestial objects to the sun, the gases in them get combusted and become a stream, which appears as a tail or train of light.

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