Friday, July 18, 2008

Many Apples had fallen before Newton's Gravity Laws

Many Apples had fallen before Newton's Gravity Laws

Yes, many apples , especially many Indian apples had fallen down before Newton had discovered Laws of Gravitation. Ancient Indian Astronomical texts are replete with Gravitational laws. It is not fair to say that Newton had discovered them first without giving due recognition to great Indian Astronomers.

Let us get into the facts....

  • Surya Sidhantha, the classical Indian Astronomical text says “because of the dhāraņātmika śakti, Earth is standing firm in the without falling away”

madhye samanatāņdasya bhūgolo vyomni tiśţhati

bibhraņah paramām śaktim brahmaņo dhāraņātmikam

(Surya Sidhantha 12th Ch - 32nd Sloka)

  • Varahamihira (6th Century AD) had said “it is an experience of everyone that on any part of the earth, that the flames of the fire go up and the objects that were thrown up fall down.

gaganamupaiti śikhiśikha kşiptamapi guru kincit

yadvadiha mānavām a surāņam tadvadevājghaĥ

(Pancha Sidhanthi, 13th Ch - 4th sloka)

  • Bhaskaracharya (11th century AD), the famous Indian mathematician in his text “Leelavathi” explains, “Earth has guruthvākarśņa śakti (Gravitational force). Due to mutual attraction between the planets , they (planets) are able to hold themselves firmly in space.”

  • In his other text “Siddhantha Shiromani”, Bhaskaracharya reveals that, “Earth naturally attracts every object in the space towards itself. Because of this attracting force, all objects fall on the earth. When there is balance in attraction among planets where would they fall?”

    ākŗşţa śaktiśca mahī tayā yat svastham guru svābhimukham svaśaktyā

    ākŗśyate tatpatatīva bhāti same samantat kva patatviyam khe

    (Siddhaantha Shiromani, Bhuvanakosa, 6th sloka)

    Brahmagupta (7th century AD), renowned Mathematician in his famous text “Brahma Sputa Siddhantha” discloses “like water having natural downward flow, Earth also has similar attraction power, because of which all objects get attracted towards it.”

  • Jagad Guru Sri AdiSankara in his commentatary on Prasna Upanishad said, “ as earth attracts the up going (thrown up) objects, so do the ever elevating Pranasakti in the body, is being pulled down by the Apanasakti.

    tathā pŗthivyāmabhimānini yā devatā prasidtha saişā

    puruşasya apāna vŗttimavaşţabhyā kŗşya vaśikrithyādha eva

    apakarşena anugraham kurvatī vartata ityarthaħ

    anyathā hi śarīram gurutvāt patet sāvakaśe vodgacchet

    (Commentary od AdiSankara for 3Ch-8th sloka of Prasnopanishad)

    Many Indian texts had similar references about Gravity Laws. All these facts were revealed centuries before Newton.


  1. India has deepest knowledge about the all planets and the law of science but No one is femous like newton or any other scientist of other countries. Why?

  2. Because all those statements from Indian astronomers/mathematicians/astrologers are qualitative only. Newton was the one who gave a quantitative description, i.e., a precise mathematical relation.
